Here you can learn about a new service. Continue reading to understand how you can save time and money by using it. The Amazon River

Only with an API you will have all the data you need to make the best buying decisions. It is highly recommended that you invest

A Spotlight on Amazon’s API Features For some time now, Amazon has been the leading platform for online purchases despite the fact that there are

Amazon is undoubtedly a very large eCommerce platform that offers a variety of products from clothing to beauty products, from home appliances to books, and

We live in a culture that is constantly bombarded with advertisements and various types of media that depict alcohol use. However, these images are not

You can also use this API to recognize the percentages of alcohol present in a drink. This will enable you to make accurate calculations about

What’s an image moderation API?An image moderation API is a service that assists developers in implementing image moderation in their applications. The API allows developers

Online content providers may use this API to detect and moderate offensive content like alcohol, nudity, gore, or violence within images. It is designed for

First of all, you need to register and get an access key. With this key, you will be able to use the API endpoint. Firstly,

Alcohol Detection API gets the image and returns a result with a score between 0.99 and 0.99999, the closer to 0.99999 the higher the confidence