How do we go about it? You should select one of the images below. The AWS Profanity Detection API will then scan it for any

Be able to accurately locate any type of content that is not appropriate for children. Be able to perform a substance analysis on a product

Let’s Start! Profanity Detection API is crucial for being able to enter a website that does not include any swearing. To be able to choose

How to Use it? You need to: -Sign up -Select the API of your choice -Enter the URL of the image -Submit This API is

Follow the following steps so that you can filter out any unsuitable content in the images you want to post online. In this case, you

Hence, B2B companies can use this API to filter any offensive content that is visible in their products. Furthermore, it is an excellent option for

Today, the use of machine learning is increasingly powerful. And here we will see how to do it in a simple way, using an API.

What Is An API? An application programming interface, or API, is a collection of organized codes that allows applications to communicate with one another. The

What Is Image Moderation? Furthermore, it protects minors from exposure to offensive imagery and violence. This feature prevents unpleasant advertising from appearing on websites or

Useful Data To Use For Marketing Purposes Or Any Other Type Of Purpose The age and gender of each person in the image is detected