03/26/2022 19:45 CHIP editorial team Milla Jovovich as Leeloo in The Fifth Element. Imago images / Allstar "The Fifth Element" is now considered a cult

Xiaomi is generally known for high-quality smartphones at a fair price – but some models are real bargains on offer. We will show whether the

STEFANIA ROUSSELLE FOR “THE WORLD” By Stefania Rousselle Posted today at 10:00 a.m., updated at 3:39 p.m. Reserved for our subscribers TestimonialsFor this new series,

Although the various streaming providers differ in their range, they all cost a not inconsiderable monthly subscription fee. But many can save the money, because

His appearance was undoubtedly the biggest surprise in "The Batman": Because at the end of the film you can see the new Joker for a

In a blog post, the giant Google announces that it has foiled several cyberattacks from North Korea. Pirates who would be "supported" by the North

As more companies embrace NFTs and the opportunities they offer, you've probably stumbled across this term. NFTs are so-called 'non-fungible tokens' – that is, non-exchangeable

That is precisely what NVIDIA Maxine solves, an SDK that allows you to correct the position of the eyes thanks to an artificial intelligence algorithm.

M le mag Champions League Stunned by the defeats of their favorite club, the fans of Paris Saint Germain drag a tenacious spleen. Denial, abstinence,

Without it, many neobanks would not have been able to emerge so quickly. Without it, Societe Generale would not have invested so much in fintech.