It seems that the idea of subscription payment to obtain a service has gained a lot of ground not only in streaming content, but also

Finding sustainable ways to grow is a challenge for SaaS companies today. There are many growth strategies, tactics, and tools available to experiment with. So

Share "Your secure company" is Movistar's business cybersecurity proposal. A large part of companies and businesses currently offer their services in a non-face-to-face way. From

The company seeks to democratise workplace digitalisation for enterprises Beamy, the SaaS management platform for large enterprises, has expanded its presence into the UK. It

Privacy management, news on social networks, a more respectful and close approach to the user, and the metaverse on the horizon will mark the popularity

In recent years we have seen how some startups were turning to alternatives to their traditional sources of financing, led by venture capital or loans.

It's not every day that Facebook announces it will stop using a controversial technology because of "growing concerns". “My jaw dropped when I heard the

The World Economic Forum has defined best practices for quantum computers. Photo: World Economic Forum/Jolanda Flubacher National governments and venture capital firms invested more than

Annoying. Annoying. VIXie does not want to break out of the downtrend. So today at 16.6. It could be. But that has also been the

19-year-old student Jack Sweeney. Photo Twitter @JxckSweeney Jack Sweeney is a 19-year-old college student who has put Elon Musk in check with a Twitter account