To know more about this geolocation API, we have prepared for you a list of the most important facts about it.
Why do I need a geolocation API?
Know your visitors’ location, interest, IP address and language.
Check traffic and connections to specific locations by IP or by domain.
Find out where people are connecting from based on their IP addresses.
Identify visitors based on the location of their IP addresses.
Set up different marketing campaigns based on the location of your visitors.
Identify the countries or territories where your audience lives in order to target your marketing efforts.
Tell if your audience is local or international.
Discover where your website visitors are geographically by IP address lookup.
Know the connection data (by country or region) of users connecting to your website from various countries or regions.
Web Traffic AnalysisAPI example: Geolocation via City detection/ Country detectionAPI example: Web Traffic AnalysisAPI example: Web Traffic AnalysisAPI example: Web Traffic AnalysisAPI example: Web Traffic AnalysisAPI example: Web Traffic AnalysisGeolocation via City detection/ Country detectionWeb Traffic AnalysisGeolocation via City detection/ Country detectionGeolocation via City detection/ Country detectionWeb Traffic AnalysisGeolocation via City detection/ Country detectionWeb Traffic AnalysisGeolocation via City detection/ Country detectionWeb Traffic AnalysisCompare your website’s traffic statistics with other domains to see which countries they rank highest in and which cities have the highest concentration of users (perhaps indicating a local opportunity).Find out whether users are visiting from a mobile device or desktop computer, as well as the specific device model.Monitor website traffic patterns over time and identify changes that indicate success or failure for a campaign.Keep tabs on competitor websites to see how many visitors they receive from each country and region where they operate; determine whether you should broaden or narrow your marketing campaign based on an analysis of their geographical reach; see which pages are receiving high or low levels of traffic; monitor the volume of visits to your own website over time and identify any causes for concern. Find out any trends in the traffic patterns; determine whether you should expand or contract the scale of your marketing campaign based on an analysis of your competitors’ geographical reach; find out which pages of your own website are receiving high or low levels of traffic; monitor your own website’s traffic patterns over time and identify any causes for concern; check whether your target customers are visiting it or not. Check
With this API you will be able to check where your visitors are from by checking their IP. Also, you can query locations based on your stored IP’s and even by domain URLs.
To make use of it, you must first:
1- Go to Know IP or Domain Location API and simply click on the button “Subscribe for free” to start using the API.
2- After signing up in Zyla API Hub, you’ll be given your personal API key. Using this one-of-a-kind combination of numbers and letters, you’ll be able to use, connect, and manage APIs!
3- Employ the different API endpoints depending on what you are looking for.
4- Once you meet your needed endpoint, make the API call by pressing the button “run” and see the results on your screen.