Creditas experts identify the main technological trends that will mark the coming year. Remote work becomes the constant among programmers, who are already applying for positions in companies on the other side of the world. The democratization of programming is on the rise, with services such as no code or the use of IA.
Creditas experts identify the main technological trends that will mark the coming year. Remote work becomes the constant among programmers, who are already applying for positions in companies on the other side of the world. The democratization of programming remains on the rise, with services such as no code or the use of AI
2021 is coming to an end, a year marked, without a doubt, by a drastic change in customs in which the pandemic has defined the rhythm of day-to-day life and digitization has become a key process that, although it began before the pandemic, has grown unstoppable showing that it is here to stay.
The digitization of society is a much more palpable fact for those who dedicate themselves body and soul to technology, who affirm that it will become the true protagonist of 2022. The Creditas team, the leading platform for consumer solutions and 100% online loans in Latin America, has wanted to go further and analyze what the digital and technological trends that will mark the coming year will be. Next, those trends that they consider that every techie lover should know about, keep under control and keep an eye on:
Remote work COVID-19 has revolutionized the labor landscape at all levels. For developers, this change has gone further. Accustomed to working in person for the company that hired them, telecommuting has provided them with job offers that were unthinkable until now. It is increasingly common to receive job offers from all over the world. Opportunities have exploded and will continue to do so throughout 2022, with the difference that, this time, attendance or residence in the same place as the company that hires them will no longer be essential requirements.
“The growth of telecommuting in other positions has made companies open their eyes to new options for programmers,” they explain in Creditas. “It is true that interacting with the team is good, but for a job as technical as ours, face-to-face attendance is not essential and companies have embraced this reality and are betting on talent worldwide without having to stick to their markets” .
MetaversoFacebook has changed its name to Meta and is determined to bet on the creation of virtual reality universes. “This bet will become a trending topic in 2022. It may end up being a poof, as Sencond Life was, but it will undoubtedly generate noise during the coming year,” they argue from Creditas. “Opportunities may open up in this field, such as Unity, 3D design… or even new experimental business models. We will have to wait a few months to see how events unfold, but we must not lose track of him.”
No codeNo code is a philosophy that aims to allow anyone to access the creation of software and apps without the need to know how to program. This phenomenon is known as programming without code or visual programming and, yes, Creditas experts affirm that in 2022 it will continue to wage war.
“You have to admit, it’s a very sweet idea for those who seek to solve the matter on their own without having to invest in a professional solution based on real programming,” they say from Creditas. “It is useful on many occasions and may be the necessary key for certain situations, but programming exists for a reason… Even so, we must expect that it will continue as a growing ecosystem in 2022.”
Web3Web3 refers to the evolution of the Internet as it is known. It is a decentralized internet based on blockchain technology; a utopian idea of creating an Internet completely outside the control of large companies in which the absolute power over privacy and shared data is held only by the users who browse it.
“The first web, 1.0, was based on hyperlinks. The Web2, in social networks. The Web3, in the tokens, digital units of exchange of blockchain technologies”, they explain in Creditas. “It is an open web idea that, although it is in its initial phase, has a lot of potential, we will see if it is capable of exploiting in 2022.”
OpenAIOpenAI is a company that investigates how to develop easy-to-use artificial intelligence, with the aim of making it available and at the service of the entire society. Among its projects is GPT-3, a new language model whose purpose is to predict what is coming next based on previous data.
In July of this year, the arrival of Copilot was announced, which uses GPT3, and makes it easier to write code. This launch is proof that, most likely, in 2022 there will still be talk of AI applied to software development and other fields.
JavaScriptIt is already a programming classic, but Creditas experts agree that it will continue to be talked about in 2022. “It was born in 1995 and, despite being more than 25 years old, its use continues to diversify,” they point out from Creditas. “A clear example of this is the trend towards server side rendering with NextJS.”