Technology helps people in all societies, and has always, to organize and make knowledge available, through instruments, tools or models that solve human problems more efficiently than humans with just their bodies and energy.
We cannot do without technology, and that is why it is necessary to take advantage of it. Digital transformation is not a change of work tools, it is a change of mindset, of mentality, towards one in which the use of digital tools gives us a better quality of life. There is no need to run away to learn about digital marketing, programming, business intelligence, big data or graphic design, it is about accepting ourselves as part of a future, of which we are also architects, active or passive.
According to data from GPS Empresas, from the Ministry of Productive Development, in 2021 there are more than 600,000 companies in Argentina, with 83% being Micro companies, 16.8% SMEs and just 0.2% large companies. Nearly 100,000 SMEs have received loans and various instruments for their digital transformation and are already underway.
To provide a solution adapted to the national market, for all sectors, Colmena Digital was born 11 years ago, the first Argentine platform to manage, communicate and train teams inside and outside the office. It is a SAAS (System as a service) designed and tested, multiplatform, Cloud and service packages, focused on making people and companies more productive. With Colmena, work teams have everything they need to work in a single access point, being able to work from anywhere with just a mobile phone.
“Colmena emerged as a corporate social network for large companies, with thousands of employees who needed to send a clear, segmented message immediately to their employees and which in turn would allow teams to interact with each other and with the company. to generate synergy digitally. As we advanced in the development of the platform, we realized the needs not only at the communication level but also at the operational level that are generated in teams whose members are mainly in the field and do not have a computer to carry out their tasks. All these tasks are carried out 90% through emails, printed forms or, in the best of cases, spreadsheets, which not only affects the environment, but also makes people and processes less productive and entails a greater margin of error”; says Daniel Gelmer, CEO of the company.
After the success it had with customers, the next step was to make it possible for any company or professional to access the same service as a multinational at an affordable price and in local currency. “We know that for many SMEs and entrepreneurs hiring services of this type is a problem since most of the companies that offer these services are Americans with dollarized costs and support abroad. In 2020, the pandemic forced many companies to digitize hundreds of processes and tasks, so in this sense Colmena became the main tool to accompany them in this direction”, says Gelmer.
“Hive emerged as a corporate social network for large companies, with thousands of employees who needed to send a clear, segmented message to their employees immediately…”, says Gelmer.
Using technology in the easiest and most functional way, making people enjoy its use and see the benefits of eliminating paper, digitizing repetitive and unproductive processes, focusing teams on more creative, value-creating tasks, developing their capabilities and optimizing time and investment is the key to Colmena:
Colmena works completely in the cloud, with which it is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and does not require any type of maintenance by the user. The features for operation on both PC and mobile devices are minimal, which allows any user to use it.
It has different modules such as the Communication Pack that allows users to access informative content from the company, interact with the company and their colleagues by commenting and liking or accessing different communities. The Management Pack that allows you to distribute information through a file repository, generate requests or tickets in a personalized and flexible way, allowing the possibility of generating competition teams and infinite approval flows or the forms module that allows you to generate forms in such a flexible way and dynamic that allows to generate from audits to exams or surveys. The Compliance Pack that is responsible for representing via graphs, indicators or analysis tables, all the information dumped in Colmena. The Training pack through which companies can deliver educational content either in files, videos or playful interactive to their teams.
The main advantage of Colmena is that both the content and access to the different modules is segmented according to the needs and business rules defined by companies and users, that is, users will only access the content and functions that are relevant to them. relevant according to their profile, role, area or geographic location, which helps to generate a digital community and maintain focus.
These processes usually take a lot of time and effort, but with Colmena the solution is quick to implement and adopt. Since Colmena’s focus is on optimizing and improving productivity, hiring and implementation should be just as easy.