Save Time And Money By Using An API How Do I Find SIC Codes

Do you know what is the NAICS? The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is the counterpart to the well-known SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) and its data is more specific.
So, basically, it is a classification of economic activities that provides a system of statistical classification for collecting, organizing and presenting data on economic activities.
In short, it allows for more accurate and detailed analysis of specific industrial sectors and has better international comparability than the older SIC code does. 
What Is The NAICS Code? The code is an industry classification system that classifies industries according to their primary activities. The purpose of this code is to facilitate the process of classifying data in order to make it easier to understand and compare one company with another or even between different sectors of the economy. It also allows us to analyze data at a more detailed level and provide more accurate statistics on certain aspects such as employment or output.  What Does This Code Include? This code has 6 digits and each one indicates a different aspect about the activity performed by a company.  First digit: This digit indicates the sector of the economy in which a company operates.  Second digit: This digit indicates the type of industry that is being developed in that sector.  Third digit: This digit indicates the subsector representing a more specific industrial activity that it is related to the one mentioned in the second digit.  Fourth digit: This digit indicates a more specific activity within the industrial field mentioned in the second digit.  Fifth digit: This digit indicates an ancillary activity within the industrial field mentioned in the second digit.  Sixth digit: This digit indicates an ancillary activity within the industrial field mentioned in the second and fifth digits.  How Can I Use An API To Find SIC Codes? You may save time and money if you use an API like Company Data API to retrieve all this information you are interested in. It’s very simple and easy to use, just spend some minutes registering and then subscribe to any plan you choose. You can use this API for small businesses or for large ones, either way it’s totally free for up to 75 queries per month! Be part of this industry’s growth, incorporate all your company’s information and let others know about it! How can you find SIC codes with this API? To get started with this amazing tool, just sign up and get your unique access key. Then, simply
Be able to retrieve a list of top companies that are related to any SIC code of your choice. Also, get additional information about that companies.

You can check SIC Codes LookUp API for free here.

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